Friday, July 20, 2012


What to say about the news of today.....I don't even know. Now we have to worry about more than whether or not to get a large popcorn and if in fact the movie theater offers free refills. This is what terrorism does. It takes away our joy of the mundane things in life and hits us with the glaring reality that there are some toxic muthafuckers in this world who just don't give a shit about no one but themselves. I think a majority of the people who wanted to see The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora last night didn't think that would be the last thing they ever fact none of them had a clue just how fragile their own lives were. They were just going to a movie, dammit. Selfishness is a cancer and James Holmes needs chemotherapy. I'm done for now. Going to go pray for the families and victims. and for the rest of the sorry asses who think shooting innocent people will solve their problems and give them the attention they need to navigate through this world, (this is going to sound nasty but, im going to say it) do us all a favor and turn the gun on yourself first. Diamond

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hot as hell

Whats with the hot weather? Me and Superfly do not have air conditioning so we've strategically placed fans in every corner of our bedroom.. I swear to god last night the fans were just blowing around hot air making it hotter. I slept about an hour or two and then woke up burning up. It's so hot we aren't even that horny. Of course we have sex lolololol but when its 100 degrees in the shade hot and sweaty becomes gross and grimy, you feel me? Anyway I'm pretty glad it rained... Although there was so much water I saw a few row boats floating down Broadway here in NYC ....I had on sandals too, I was slipping and sliding all over the place ugh! Yeah I know, we needed the rain.........I wish I had something smartass to retort, but nothing's come to minD sigh..... Ok two posts in one day, I'm going do this on the regular because now that I have this thing that does not keep me chained to my desktop I can post whenever I want. Yes! Stay cool and if you are with the one you love just make sure you've got the ac going or the fans circulating... Oh btw. If there's anyone there reading this let me know what you want me blog about.....and if no one is reading, that's cool too. Diamond

Meet Superfly

So it's been ........ Almost two years??? What the hells wrong with me?...well life happened. I wanted this to be a blog about music but life is so much better to blog about, don't chu think? In the midst of trying to work music, finally I got a real relationship.... Talk about striking out, thinking I was going to be alone 4 eva and then bam here comes mr. Right. People, it can happen just when you aren't even looking for it. He's not perfect but neither am I, not by a long shot. The cool thing about him is he accepts me for what i am and respects me and the things I'm trying to do. So I do my best to make him happy. I just told him about the blog and now he wants me to refer him as Superfly whenever I blog about him hahahahahaha so Superfly is. Til later Peace out Diamond